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Parco delle Stagioni is a Social Enterprise founded in October 2021; it is engaged in non-profit, general interest business activities. It adopts a circular and sustainable approach and aims to pursue the collective social interest also by favouring the inclusion of disadvantaged or disabled people.
It is a project for the beauty of human relations, supported in its aims by the venue that will soon host it: once ‘Villa Donà’, the splendid ‘Lady of Motta di Costabissara’, and its park. A historic place in our area that after years of neglect is being redeveloped and returned to life.
In the Park of the Seasons, people can engage in enriching activities: business opportunities and leisure activities. We will be favoured by the harmony with nature, the charm of a venue with a long history, and its welcoming spaces.
We are committed to the beauty that is expressed in people’s quality of life, in meeting and helping each other, in the value of human beings with their enriching diversity. We will form a group of unlabelled people who are united in their desire to do and learn and who feel proud and motivated to actively participate in a beautiful, growing group project.
Today, the tailoring workshop and shop are in a rented space a few metres from the future site. As soon as the site is completed, this activity will become part of a much larger project, extending to other camps held together by a very strong bond, that of their ethical purpose, respect for our land and people in their uniqueness. The other fields of activity will be the organisation of events and training sessions and the cultivation, harvesting, processing and serving to the public of fruit and vegetables grown by us.
We start by recovering high quality fabrics from remnants and production waste. We give them a second life by transforming them into accessories and garments.
We are realising how much working with recycled fabrics disrupts the typical stages of designing and making garments and accessories. While the standard process is to start with the design idea and then move on to the selection of the most suitable fabric, in the case of UPCYCLING, it is the available fabric that dictates style and design (read more here), and in most cases, due to the small size of the available fabric pieces, the result is a series of unique pieces. Why make life so complicated?! Because the consumption style of the fashion industry is changing: we buy twice as many clothes and use them half the time. And then where do these clothes end up? …landfill. Fashion goes faster and faster and induces production that generates unsold and therefore more waste materials to be disposed of This scheme no longer stands.
It is time to realise that textile pollution is a major problem and that we need to create a new consumer culture, centred on a better selection of one’s purchases and on the practice of recycling, the recovery of materials.
To show that collaboration is the way: to bring ideas and skills to the table while improving every day, and above all to have fun at work and to have confidence in the future.