

Rediscover and renew your clothes with upcycling!

Imagine opening your wardrobe and finding an old dress you once adored. That dress you wore on your first date, or perhaps the jumper you kept warm on cold winter evenings. These garments also carry precious memories but are now somewhere on top of the wardrobe, under the bed or in the attic, forgotten and overtaken by the fashion of the moment.
What if we told you that you could give them new life? …that’s where we come in: designers and tailors from Ita Tess Lab! With our upcycling service, we transform your gold-plated clothes or accessories into unique pieces, ready to live a second life.

why choose us?

Quality and Durability

Ida Tess Lab is committed to ensuring that each processed garment retains its quality and lasts. Forget fast fashion and embrace more conscious, durable and superior fashion.

Creativity Without Limits

Our team of designers and tailors work with you to understand the idea and style you have in mind. Each upcycling proposal is tailor-made, ensuring that the end result is a reflection of your personality.

Precious Memories

What’s so great about preserving memories related to your garments? Instead of letting them collect dust, you can turn them into new garments that continue to tell your story.

You tell us about your idea, the style you
you want to tell and your more
specifics! Will it be a transformation
complete or perhaps a simpler
fine-tuning or revision of details?

We assess the feasibility and work out the best solution together with you. We will suggest the most suitable model so that your transformed garment or accessory is finally back on your list of choices in the morning when you decide what to wear!

The secret codes

Sui nostri capi d’abbigliamento trovi spesso dei numeri e delle scritte. Sembrano codici misteriosi e invece sono le indicazioni con le quali le aziende di tintura e finissaggio dove recuperiamo questi scampoli marcano i tessuti dopo averli testati.

In Ida Tess we chose to make them a characteristic feature, always putting them in the foreground. In addition to making what you wear a unique piece, this is a symbol of a special concern for the environment, of the choice not to discard fabric but to recover and transform it.